Wednesday 24 June 2009

Reflection Week 2

Welcome to the 2nd week of BES 2100. Today’s topic of discussion was Negotiation for which we have a test on week 3 by the ECU lecturer. We were made to play a very interesting game named, ‘The $2 Game’ which included negotiation. A pair was to be formed and they were required to negotiate against each other on the given topic. The first round in the game was to win the $2 from the negotiation with the partner by creating the story. In the 1st round, my partner was Emelia. Our topic was negotiation was quite interesting. It was Chocolate vs. Fruit. She needed to buy a chocolate to get energy but she didn’t have enough money. I was in the opposition that to get energy, she should eat fruits. We had a time limit of 10mins. At the end of 10mins, I managed to convince her to buy fruit instead of chocolate which can make a person fat. So in the 1st round, I earned the $2.
In the 2nd round, we had to change partners. So my partner for the 2nd round was Nisha. In this, the topic was Red Bull vs. other soft drinks. The bet was to win at least $1.30. In this bet, we both had a win-win situation. So, both of us received $1. Then, it was the break time.
After the break, there was one more and the final round. In this one, we had to play with honesty and integrity since you were a known businessman and hence the reputation played a big role. It was with the same partner. So I was paired with Nisha. This time we chose a topic was Durian. She was in the favour of the durians and I was the one against it. At the end of this round, Nisha won the negotiation and she received the $2.
During the game, I discovered a new side of myself. I was actually able to negotiate when the favourable topic like chocolate vs. Fruit came. Once the game was over, the lecturer went over what key points we learnt during the game. Overall, it was a nice day full of activities.

Reflection Week 1

Today was the first lesson of Foundation of Business Leadership. It was great class. Our lecturer is Ms Suma Christal who had once been our lecturer in the module BES 1100. Before the class started, I had a rough idea that class will be consisting of many students. When the class actually started, most of the students out there, I already knew. This made it much easier for me to mingle with the class. Before the break, we were indulged in many activities. The first activity was to get into groups of 5 people consisted of Nisha, Emelia, Edah, Di and me. We had to get a contact number from our mobile phonebooks and note down on how they would describe our personalities such as Agreeableness, Extravert/ Introvert, Openness to experience, Consciousness, Emotional Stability, Temperament and Values. My results came out to high in Agreeableness, a total extravert. I got medium in Emotional stability and openness to experience and low in Temperament and High in values. It was a great exercise to know more about the members in the team.

Following was another activity. In this particular activity, we were given a form by the lecturer which needed us to tick out strengths and weakness from the list of the words given. According to it, my results turned out to be TB (team builder). It quite suit the way I m. Then was break time.

After the break, the class was conducted in the computer lab. There, we were guided to enter into the blackboard and briefed on what our projects were like for this module. One of the most interesting things in this term is that we are going to be blogging whatever we learnt during the lesson every week which makes the lesson more interesting.

On the all, the class was interesting and fun.