Sunday 9 August 2009

Précis on What makes a Leader

This article is on what constitutes a leader. There are two groups of leaders. One is subdued and analytical, and the others shout their manifestos from the mountaintops. Both possess a high degree of Emotional Intelligence (EI), without which a person with the best training still would not make a great leader.
Most large companies employ trained psychologists to develop ‘competency model’ to aid them to identify, train and promote. EI consists of purely accounting skills, cognitive abilities and competencies EI. EI is proved twice as important as technical skills.
First component of EI is Self-awareness, which means having a deep understanding of one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs and drives. So, they plan their work well in advance.
Next is Self-regulation consisting of individuals who are master of their emotions. They can create an environment of trust and fairness that is important for competitive reasons.
Motivation is the tool for effective leaders. Some people get motivated with external reasons - big salary or status while others for self-satisfaction. Learning and seeking for creative challenges is their passion. The manager with better pursuing skills is a better manager who considers feelings of others, which is important in today’s world.
Last two of EI is Social Skills. Social skill is mainly being friendly with intention to move people in the direction you desire and they tend to have a wide circle of acquaintances. Learning EI is not easy. It requires time and commitment to learn.