Wednesday 15 July 2009

Reflection of Week 5

Today’s topic of discussion was Emotional Intelligence which was a very interesting topic. Ms Suma went through with us its meaning and the emotions that every individual goes through when certain unexpected things come up. To demonstrate this, we were made to play a game.
We had to form a pair with a person in the class who is very close to you and to whom you share all the secrets. My partner was Tracy whom I know for 1 year plus. Then, partner A was called out and were given instructions were given to tell partner B something that would give a shock to the person. As per requirements, I also told her something that kind of got her shocked. She had to console me and help me deal with the situation.
Later on, I was to write down the reaction given by the partner when you told her the secret. IT was a very exciting game.
The next activity was to feel up a form in which we had to tick the category which we would do given the situation. Followed by this was break time.
After the break time, she went to the exercise and them were dismissed. Overall, it was an enjoyable day.

Negotiation test

Today was the negotiation test which was to be conducted by Linda and Ms Suma. All of us were pretty nervous. Everyone seems to be preparing hard for the negotiation test. The time schedule of the test was pasted on the wall near the entrance door. My partner was Danny and the time for the test was at 11.55am.
The instructions were that we were given 20minutes to write on the given sheet of paper on what we wanted to argue and the points which we wanted to put across during the test. After the end of 20 minutes, Danny and I went to the room for the test. Our test was being conducted by MS Suma. During the test, both of us came out with pretty good points which Ms Suma pointed out to us. This increased our confidence. At the end of the test, both of us had a smile on our faces.
Once the test was over, we were allowed to go back home. So, after all my friends were done with their test, we all left. Overall, the test went pretty well.

Reflection of Week 3 (ECU lecturer)

Today was our 3rd lesson which was conducted by Linda who is our ECU coordinator. In the beginning, she gave a short introduction about herself. Followed by which, she briefed us a bit on what actually negotiation is though our lecturer, Ms Suma had gone through with us in the previous lesson. Actually since we had a negotiation test the next day, just like MS Suma, she also made us play some games regarding Negotiation.
The first activity was that we had to form a group of four people and each group was given a particular paragraph to read, understand and then one representative from the group to go to other groups and explain the meaning of the paragraph that out group was assigned to do. In my group, we were Willow, Jessica, Brain and me. Brian was our group representative.
Followed by was break time. After the break, we had another activity. It was based on the negotiation. Before that, we were instructed to stand in a line according to our birth date. In that way, we were grouped into three. In my group, we had Edah, Tom, Joyce and me. Tom and me carried out the negotiation while Edah and Joyce were our mediators. I was playing the role of the boss while Tom was playing the role of the employee. The scenario went like Tom, an employee who always came back late from the lunch break. I was supposed to negotiate with him to make him come back on time after the lunch break. At the end of the negotiation, I managed to convince him to come on time with the deal that the employees will get a tea break of 15mins. So that ended our conversation. We both came with a win-win situation. Later on, Edah and Joyce were to point out our good and bad points.
Later after this, we had another one more example to work on how to do the negotiation test for the next day and the class was dismissed. It was an interesting class.