Wednesday 15 July 2009

Reflection of Week 5

Today’s topic of discussion was Emotional Intelligence which was a very interesting topic. Ms Suma went through with us its meaning and the emotions that every individual goes through when certain unexpected things come up. To demonstrate this, we were made to play a game.
We had to form a pair with a person in the class who is very close to you and to whom you share all the secrets. My partner was Tracy whom I know for 1 year plus. Then, partner A was called out and were given instructions were given to tell partner B something that would give a shock to the person. As per requirements, I also told her something that kind of got her shocked. She had to console me and help me deal with the situation.
Later on, I was to write down the reaction given by the partner when you told her the secret. IT was a very exciting game.
The next activity was to feel up a form in which we had to tick the category which we would do given the situation. Followed by this was break time.
After the break time, she went to the exercise and them were dismissed. Overall, it was an enjoyable day.

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