Saturday 5 September 2009

Ethics in Leadership-An introduction to Giving Voice to Values

This week’s topic was Giving Voice to Values which has become a very important factor to consideration in work place nowadays where female employees often face sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is described as the unwelcome sexual behaviour by a supervisor toward an employee.
The first task for the day was looking into the quiz given in our lecturer guide named, ‘Giving Voice to Values’. It consisted of around 18 questions which would help us with our script writing as suggested by Ms Suma. While attending the quiz, a lot of questions popped out which lead to other conversations and experiences that some of them might have experienced especially the working students. By the time we finished the quiz, it was break time.
After the break, Ms Suma went through the case study on Lisa Baxter on which we had to come up with a script. She gave us certain point of view on how to write a script. It was an individual assignment which sounded quite scary as mostly none of us ever had written a script before. It was quite a tough task.
The whole day lesson practically consisted of us gathering ideas on how to write a script and it marked the end of class for the day.

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