Sunday 6 September 2009


Today’s topic of discussion was problem-solving, one of the most important factor to continue with the progress if some problem arises. At the beginning of the class, Ms Suma went through some of the ways to solve problems. A model of problem solving consists of Defining the problem, Generating the alternative solutions, Evaluating and selecting an alternative and last but not the least is Implementing and following up on the solution.
The first activity for the day was in groups of 4-5 and it on balancing a straw on one finger of each of us. My group consisted of Tracy, Tom, Willow, Luisa and me. In the beginning, we all had a difficulty in balancing the straw. Later, Tom came with a brilliant idea which was to keep all our fingers touching to each other so as to feel the movements and make it easier for us to balance the straw. All we had to do was to bring the straw up and down without it tripping over the fingers. With the idea that Tom gave, it became an easy task for us. From the activity, I learnt to learn to cooperate to solve the problem so as to work in a more effective way. Following, this was break time.
After the break, MS Suma went through an exercise in the lecture guide itself. There was an individual exercise on analytic problem solving. In it, one particular scenario was given which was to be solved individually. We were given 5 minutes to solve it and then it was discussed in the class.
Then, Ms Suma again went through the case of Lisa Baxter and marked the end of the day with a reminder to submit our script on ‘Giving Voice to Values’.

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