Friday 11 September 2009

Presentation Week

This week’s lesson was mainly on presentations. We all had to wear formal dressing and do our presentation. It was quite a nervous feeling when I first started presenting. But we had the confidence that it will go good as the assignment had taken quite a bit of time to be completed and hence had lots of data to be presented and we had tried our best to do it well. Our presentation was on the cosmetic company which was a fiction company named as Ladies 4ever. Tracy, Willow, Luisa and I are the consultants of the company. We had also prepared a flyer to make our company more established in terms of motivating the employees with the rights given to them. Our company had also organised a talk for the employees for balancing the working and also family life simultaneously.
On the all, the presentation taught us many different skills like how to write minutes of meetings which none of us had ever tried before. On the all, the whole module had been an enjoyable one with the teaching by Ms Suma. Thank You Ms Suma for teaching us again and hoping you will be teaching us in Module 3100 as well.

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