Saturday 5 September 2009

Temperament and Communication

Temperament and Communication
The class for this week was focused on Temperament and Communication. Basically, temperament describes four organising patterns of personality and answers out the ‘why’ part of every behaviour. Knowing the temperament is important as it tells us our core needs and values as well as the talents that we are most likely to be drawn to develop. There are four types of temperaments which are Catalyst, Stabilizer, Theorist and Improviser.
Catalyst: -
 Core need is a sense of purpose and working toward some greater good
 need to have a sense of unique identity
 value unity, self-actualization, and authenticity
 prefer cooperative interactions with a focus on ethics and morality
 Tend to be gifted at unifying diverse peoples and helping individuals realise their potential
 Build bridges between people through empathy and clarification of deeper issues.
Stabilizer: -
 Core need is group membership and responsibility
 Awareness of responsibility
 Value stability, security and a sense of community
 Trust hierarchy and authority
Theorist: -
 Core need is mastery of concepts, knowledge and competence
 Value expertise, logical consistency, concepts and ideas, and seek progress
 Abstractly analyze a situation and consider previously unthought-of possibilities
Improviser: -
 Core need is to have freedom to act without hindrance and to see a marked result from action
 Talented in using tools
So the activity for the day was that our lecturer had kept a paper at each corner of the class. We had to read the paper and see which of this we fitted into. After much confusion, I settled myself into Improviser which matched with quality I rather was. Then, was break time.
After the break, we had to proceed onto the computer lab to take the online quiz on the same topic named Temperament and communication. At the end of the online quiz, to my surprise, I got the same result as I had stood up for in the class in the period before the break which was Improviser.
I was quite glad and that marked the end of our lesson for the day.

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