Wednesday 9 September 2009


This week’s lesson was mainly concentrated on the team work, meeting and minutes of the meeting. Ms Suma explained to us about the team work. Team work is one of the most essential ways to know our colleagues in the company and also to prepare the project more effectively and with creative ideas. In teamwork, meetings are important. There are certain guidelines on when exactly to hold a meeting. The four main purposes are: 1) Information sharing, 2) Commitment building, 3) Information disseminating and, 4) problem solving and decision making. When a meeting is being conducted, there’s an important thing to be taken down which is the minutes. Minutes refer to taking down of the notes during the meeting so as to help when needed for the reference in the future. Minutes should have three main characteristics which are: 1) agenda relevance that is information recorded is related to an agenda item, 2) content relevance which says that minutes should be written in a form that follows the agenda so that it is easy to find the pertinent material and, 3) decision focus which states that minutes should reflect decisions, conclusions and actions agreed upon, rather than the process by which the decision were reached.
Then, was break time. After break, Ms Suma went through the details on the Industry Project which was on Work Life Balance. The project was mainly on how we come up with strategies to help employees manage the work stress as well as stress form home. For this assignment, firstly we had to create our own name or business card and distribute to our team or group members. The group was to be made with the classmates of the other characteristics like mine is Team Builder. So my other group members can be a shaper, Implementer, Completer or finisher and Specialist. On top of this, we also had a submission of the script on Giving Voice to Values. On the all, it was a great lesson as I learnt how to exactly do minutes of the minutes.

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